There are a number of different options for treating prostate cancer and which one we choose will depend on your diagnosis.

Active Surveillance

The old adage about the cure being worse than the disease can sometimes be true. Because some forms of prostate cancer are non-aggressive, we may decide it is appropriate not to take action straight away. We continue to monitor the progress of the cancer with biopsies, PSA levels and MRI scans.

If you have a prostate cancer suitable for active surveillance (Gleason score 3+3 or low volume 3+4) then >95% of men are still alive 10 years after diagnosis and >60% of men have not required treatment of their prostate cancer for progression during this time period.

One of the concerns of active surveillance is the worry that your cancer may grow and spread during the active surveillance period. We can talk about whether you are suitable for the active surveillance protocol at your appointment.


Brachytherapy is the use of radiation to destroy tumors. The radiation is administered directly into the tumor. You can read more about it on the Brachytherapy page.


The surgical removal of the prostate (known as radical prostatectomy) has come a long way in recent years. The chances of not only successfully removing the prostate but of excellent outcomes in terms of urinary control and erections have improved thanks to the use of new surgical techniques and also robotic surgical devices. The robotic device allows the surgeon extremely precise control in the tight confines of the pelvis.

Read more about it on the Robotic Prostate Surgery page.

Other Treatments

Other treatments, such as the use of hormones, HIFU, cryogenics and focal therapy may be used in specific circumstances. We can discuss these options when you come in for your consultation.


If you would like to know more about treatments, I have written a comprehensive article on current treatment options.